Setting up Split Remittance
  • 07 Dec 2023
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Setting up Split Remittance

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Article summary

Evolve Split Remittance  

In order to enable split remittance, you need a ‘supplier’ bank account, this account is linked to the merchant accounts that you want to use split remittance.  Contact support who can arrange for the ‘supplier’ account to be created.


Obtaining the supplier bank account details

When onboarding a new merchant, you will need to link the ‘supplier’ bank account to each of the merchants.   First you need to obtain the details of the supplier bank account.

  • Send a Get Bank Accounts request for the ‘supplier’ account (the supplier merchantId will be communicated by Access Paysuite Support)

  • You only need to do this once (per environment) as the information will not change.  

  • The sections you will need from the Get Bank Bank Accounts response to attach the supplier account to the merchant account are:

    • usages

    • accountHolder

    • sortCode

    • accountNumber

Example bank account response:



        "id": "4c4ea7e1-be81-494a-a8f1-f8a6c3154e86",  

        "merchantId": "11002394",  

        "status": "VERIFIED",  

        "usages": [  



        "merchantOwned": true,  

        "accountHolder": "Demo Supplier",  

        "sortCode": "089000",  

        "accountNumber": "04767832",  

        "lastStatusChangeAt": "2021-07-16T10:59:14.29Z",  

        "signatories": [  


                "firstName": "Bobby",  

                "lastName": "Test",  

                "status": "ACTIVE"  





Connect supplier bank account to merchant account

Create a new merchant bank account using the Create Bank Account

  • Set merchantOwned=false

  • Use the below for the supplier bank account

    • usages

    • accountHolder

    • sortCode

    • accountNumber

  • {{merchantId}} is the merchantId of the merchant who is being onboarded.  

This will link the ‘supplier’ bank account to the merchant.  

Example add bank account request:


    "merchantId": "{{merchantId}}",  

    "usages": [  



    "merchantOwned": false,  

    "accountHolder": "Demo Supplier",  

    "sortCode": "089000",  

    "accountNumber": "04767832"  


Store bank account IDs

Bank account IDs are used in the payment request to specify the bank account to be used. They are available from the create bank account response, or send a Get Bank Accounts request for the merchant using their merchantId.

The key attribute to distinguish merchant and supplier bank account in the response is merchantOwned; this will be true for the merchant’s own bank account and false for supplier bank account.  




        "id": "aefa4e01-d5b0-4bda-b90e-df4d06dabe63",  

        "merchantId": "10000474",  

        "status": "VERIFIED",  

        "usages": [  



        "merchantOwned": false,  

        "accountHolder": "Demo Onboarding Merchant",  

        "sortCode": "089000",  

        "accountNumber": "04767832",  

        "thirdPartyBankAccount": {  

            "merchantId": "11002394",  

            "accountId": "4c4ea7e1-be81-494a-a8f1-f8a6c3154e86"  


        "lastStatusChangeAt": "2021-07-16T12:28:00.639Z"  




       "id": "cf13a0ce-7999-4e26-8d48-32d8077dc0f1",  

       "merchantId": "10000474",  

       "status": "VERIFIED",  

       "usages": [  



       "merchantOwned": true,  

       "accountHolder": "Phil Wathan",  

       "sortCode": "100000",  

       "accountNumber": "10000119",  

       "lastStatusChangeAt": "2021-02-10T14:57:52.342Z",  

       "signatories": [  


               "firstName": " Bill",  

               "lastName": "Jones",  

               "status": "ACTIVE"  





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