Flexible Remittance
  • 17 Nov 2023
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Flexible Remittance

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Article summary


Flexible Remittance is a feature that allows an ISV to control the frequency of remittance of funds to its merchants. Currently, by default, all merchants receive remittance of funds every working weekday. 

There are two options of Flexible Remittance that ISVs can utilise. The first option is OnDemand Remittance where no remittance is sent to merchants until the ISV raises a remittance instruction with Access PaySuite. Via API, the ISV can first check for remittable transactions and then send remittance instructions for all eligible transactions or specific transactions. If approved, the transactions are included in the next remittance run.  

The other option is Scheduled Remittance where the system will automatically set the expected remittance date for the Merchants’ transactions according to a schedule configured by the ISV. 

Both options of Flexible Remittance are currently available via API and can be configured during onboarding. After onboarding is complete, the ISVs and Merchants can view their remittance configuration details in the ISV Portal and Merchant Portal respectively. 

This document explains the step-by-step process to integrate to the APIs required to use Flexible Remittance.

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