Update Flexible Remittance Configuration
  • 21 Dec 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Update Flexible Remittance Configuration

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Article summary

This section describes the steps to follow if the ISV wishes to update remittance configuration for the ISV or Merchant.

Update ISV Configuration

Any change to ISV remittance configuration (e.g., to change the default schedule) is immediate. The updated remittance configuration will be applied to any new Merchant that is onboarded onto the Evolve platform.  For existing Merchants, the remittance configuration  shall remain unimpacted and if the ISV wishes to update the remittance configuration of an existing Merchant(for example, to switch a particular merchant from On-Demand to Scheduled Settlement or vice versa), the ISV can make use of the API Update Remittance Instruction Configuration.

To update the default configuration of the ISV, please follow the below steps:

Request Header



Value of Etag from view ISV config response




API Key Value

  • While updating ISV remittance configuration, the request, “merchantId” and “isvId” attribute value must be the same.

Use Case Scenarios
  • If you want to switch remittance mode to SCHEDULE with daily frequency, the below request should be followed:

        "merchantId": "12345678",
        "isvId": "12345678",
        "remittanceMode": "SCHEDULE",
        "schedule": {
        "daysOfWeek": [
  • If you want to switch remittance mode to SCHEDULE with twice a week on Wednesday or Friday, the below request should be followed:

    "merchantId": "12345678",
    "isvId": "12345678",
    "remittanceMode": "SCHEDULE",
    "schedule": {
    "daysOfWeek": [

You can choose any value from MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY for daysOfWeek when the remittance mode is SCHEDULE

  • If you want to switch remittance mode to ON_DEMAND, the below request should be followed

    "merchantId": "12345678",
    "isvId": "12345678",
    "remittanceMode": "ON_DEMAND"

Update Merchant Configuration

Any change to Merchant remittance configuration is immediate.

Transactions that have not yet been processed for remittance will use the updated remittance configuration. It is advised to make any updates during quiet periods of transaction processing.       

Below are the steps to update the Merchant Configuration

Request Header



Value of Etag from view Merchant config response




API Key Value

  • When updating a merchant’s remittance configuration, “merchantId” and “isvId” attribute values must be different in the request. Merchant Id shall be the merchant for which configuration is to be updated.

Use Case Scenarios
  • If you want to switch remittance mode to SCHEDULE with daily frequency, below is a sample request

    "merchantId": "19276543",
    "isvId": "12345678",
    "remittanceMode": "SCHEDULE",
    "schedule": {
    "daysOfWeek": [
  • If you want to switch remittance mode to SCHEDULE with twice a week on Wednesday or Friday frequency below is a sample request

    "merchantId": "19276543",
    "isvId": "12345678",
    "remittanceMode": "SCHEDULE",
    "schedule": {
    "daysOfWeek": [

You can choose any value from MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY for daysOfWeek when remittance mode is SCHEDULE

  • If you want to switch remittance mode to ON_DEMAND below is a sample request

    "merchantId": "19276543",
    "isvId": "12345678",
    "remittanceMode": "ON_DEMAND"
  • Below is example of curl request to update merchant remittance configuration from ON_DEMAND to SCHEDULE

    • View Remittance configuration

 ✓  Request

curl --location '<<HOST URL>>/pf-api-gateway/apiGateway/remittanceinstruction/merchants/<<MERCHANT ID>>/config' \

--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

--header 'API_KEY: <<API_KEY>>'

  Response body

    "merchantId": "<<MERCHANT ID>>",
    "isvId": "<<ISV ID>>",
    "remittanceMode": "ON_DEMAND",
    "createdAt": "2023-09-19T08:23:14.13Z",
    "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-09-19T08:23:14.133Z",
    "lastUpdatedBy": "Pay360:ris-config-user-commissioning@demo.com"

  Response header

"ETag" : "0"
  • Update Remittance configuration - Request (Use Etag from above in if-match)

curl --location --request PUT '<<HOST URL>>/pf-apigateway/apiGateway/remittanceinstruction/merchants/<<MERCHANT ID>>/config' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'API_KEY: <<API_KEY>>' \
--header 'If-Match: 0' \
--data '{
  "isvId": "<<ISV ID>>",
  "merchantId": "<<MERCHANT ID>>",
  "remittanceMode": "SCHEDULE",
  "schedule": {
    "daysOfWeek": [

For above sample request below are the abbreviations



URI of environment being used e.g.,

https://api.test.pay360evolve.com/demo (this is Sandbox URL)


Merchant Id to be updated


API Key Value


Id of ISV

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