Split Remittance Refunds
  • 05 Dec 2023
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Split Remittance Refunds

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Article summary

Creating a refund with split remittance

If a refund is made, by default, the whole refund will be taken from the merchant’s next remittance payout, this applies to both full and partial refunds.  See Refund a payment

To allocate where the refund is taken from a similar approach must be taken to the original payment.  

You need to Refund a Payment with a purchases (line items) section.  This takes an array of purchase objects, and you should have one purchase object for each part of the refund.  See Refund a payment

Each purchase object should have a remittance section that contains the bank account id for the account where you want that part of the refund to be collected. In the example below £90.00 will be collected from the merchants next remittance payout and £10.00 from the ISVs next remittance payout.

    "items": [
            "additionalReference": "Refund ref",
            "category": "Cate",
            "description": "Merchant Refund",
            "remittance": {
                "bankAccountId": "80ed32e3-c51f-47e4-9861-a96b5df702f6",
                "merchantId": "11013253"
            "totalAmount": 90
            "additionalReference": "Refund ref",
            "category": "Cate",
            "description": "ISV Refund",
            "remittance": {
                "bankAccountId": "80ed32e3-c51f-47e4-9861-a96b5df702f6"
                "merchantId": "11013253"
            "totalAmount": 10
"amount": "100",
"description": "REFUND_REASON",
"refundReason": "GOODS_RETURNED",
"processing": {
    "timeout": "10s",
    "emailReceipt": {
        "sendEmail": true,
        "showItems": false

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