Prerequisites (DCv2)
  • 18 Dec 2023
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Prerequisites (DCv2)

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Article summary

Before integrating with Direct Checkout, the following prerequisites should be in place:


Refer to the Quickstart Guide, where there are sections covering:

  • Creating a merchant

  • Creating a user

  • Completing the onboarding.


Access PaySuite will provide you with your credentials, consisting of:

  • ISV ID

  • API key for onboarding and other non-payment endpoints

  • Payment API Key for the payment endpoints.

Evolve Payment Service (EPS) Endpoints

Our environments for payments are:



Payment Account ID

The Payment Account ID is used when sending requests to certain Evolve endpoints. It is available from the Evolve Payment Service (EPS) paymentAccounts endpoint.

Call the general paymentAccounts endpoint, which will return a list of all your payment accounts:

curl --location --request GET '/api/v1/merchants/{ISV_ID}/paymentAccounts' \
  --header 'jwt: {PAYMENT_API_KEY}' \  
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 
  --data-raw ''  

The response contains a JSON body with details about all your payment accounts, including the ID for the payment account you will be using.

Publishable ID

The publishable ID is used to secure the card data collected in Direct Checkout and transmitted to the Access PaySuite payment platform. It is available from the Evolve Payment Service (EPS) paymentAccounts endpoint.

Request the Payment Account ID as described above. Then call the paymentAccounts endpoint for a specific payment account:

  --request GET '/api/v1/merchants/{ISV_ID}/paymentAccounts/{PAYMENT_ACCOUNT_ID}' \  
  --header 'jwt: {PAYMENT_API_KEY}' \  
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \  
  --data-raw ''  

The response contains a JSON body with details about this payment account and will contain the Publishable ID

Payment method activation

When an integrator is onboarded, we’ll activate all payment methods that are available and required. After this, integrators activate new or additional payments themselves via an API, so they can control availability to their merchants.

Cards (credit and debits cards) is the only payment method activated by default for integrators and merchants. Apple Pay and Pay by Bank Account (Open Banking) must be activated for merchants either by integrators via an endpoint, or by merchants via Merchant Portal. 

Instructions can be found in Payment method activation.

Apple Pay merchant registration

Apple mandates registration of merchants and the domain or domains where the Apple Pay button is displayed. Instructions can be found in Apple Pay merchant registration.

Apple Pay sandbox testing setup

Apple provide a sandbox environment to test offline implementations of Apple Pay. Instructions can be found in Apple Pay sandbox testing setup.

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