On Demand Remittance
  • 13 Mar 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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On Demand Remittance

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Article summary

With On Demand Remittance, the ISV is configured such that no remittance is made to any of its merchants until the ISV requests remittance. This gives the ISV control of the remittance schedule as the ISV can introduce a condition on remittances, which is valuable for commercial arrangements that are dependent on merchant service delivery.

The remittance mode in remittance configuration must first be set to ON_DEMAND (either during onboarding of a new ISV or via the migration process conducted by Access PaySuite for existing ISVs)

To view and update the ISV’s remittance configuration, please refer to Manage Flexible Remittance Configuration

To view and update the Merchant’s remittance configuration, please refer to Manage Flexible Remittance Configuration

The steps below must be followed:

  1. View the remittable transactions

  2. Create a remittance instruction to set the expected remittance date (for the list of remittable transactions retrieved in step 1)

  3. Check the status of the created instruction.

Note: Remittance instructions are not automatically actioned. A remittance instruction that has been accepted merely indicates that those transactions will be included in the next remittance run. The remittance process is performed by Pay360 at specific intervals (currently once daily on working weekdays around 10am GMT). Instructions received and confirmed after that time will be actioned on the next remittance run.

Right now, there is no limit to set expected remittance date. Remittance is delayed indefinitely until ISV creates remittance instruction.

For more information on the remittance schedule, please contact Evolve support.

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