ISV Branded Boarding
  • 14 Dec 2023
  • 6 Minutes to read
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ISV Branded Boarding

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Article summary

For all ISVs, who want to reveal their identity, invite customers/business partners/clients to get to know them better, distinguish them from the competition, foster brand loyalty, ISV Branded Boarding and Portal is a feature that allows ISVs to upload and display their logo (brand identity) in key communications to their merchants / business partners.

The feature provides following Key benefits to the ISV:

  • It sets the ISV apart from competitors in a saturated market.

  • Branding supports their marketing efforts and promotes consistency.

  • With the availability of the feature in ISV Portal, it removes cost of building branded onboarding pages to add logo and contact details.

Features in Scope

The following features are in scope:

a)     Ability to update the logo via API

b)     View the uploaded logo in the ISV Portal

c)     Ability to update preferences i.e. Support Email & Support Phone Number via API

d)     View the Support Email & Support Phone Number in the ISV Portal

e)     Delete the uploaded logo, Support email & Support Phone Number via API

f)      Display the logo in the Merchant Portal

g)     Display the logo in Merchant communications i.e. user invites and notifications

API Reference

Read the online ISV Branded Boarding API reference

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