Create Remittance Instruction
  • 21 Dec 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Create Remittance Instruction

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Article summary

On demand instructions can be created for any transaction that is available through view remittance transaction response.

The create instruction request will flag any transaction provided in the request to be remitted at the next remittance interval.

Note: Please note that once instructions are created, the date cannot be changed. It is understood that the ISV will only create remittance instructions once they are confident remittance can go ahead.

Below are the steps to create a new instruction

  • Call endpoint to fetch available transactions for remittance as mentioned in View Remittance Transaction for a merchant. Response will return a list of “remittableTransactionId”.

  • Create Remittance instruction by calling endpoint Create Remittance Instructions where {merchantId} is merchant id for which you want to create an instruction.

  • The request attribute “remittableTransactionIds” can contain a list of transaction Ids. A maximum of 100 transaction ids can be submitted in each instruction.

    • The request attribute “remittanceDate” must be greater than or equal to “earliestSettlementDate” of all supplied transaction Ids.

    • The request attribute “remittanceDate” must be current date or a future date.

    • If you don’t provide “remittanceDate” in the request, it will be set to current date.

  • Remittance instruction will return response with instruction Id and status as pending. Instruction id will be required to obtain the status of instruction as described in the section View Remittance Instruction.

Use Case Scenarios

An example of creating a remittance instruction for a merchant with Id “12345678” for the 4th August 2023 includes the following steps:

  • Fetch available transactions using endpoint “Get Transaction” (sample response below)

        "remittableTransactionId": "10037607.1",
        "transactionId": 10037607,
        "transactionType": "PAYMENT",
        "processedDateTime": "2023-08-02T07:51:36.7Z",
        "amount": 115.0,
        "earliestSettlementDate": "2023-08-03T00:00:00Z"
        "remittableTransactionId": "10037608.2",
        "transactionId": 10037608,
        "transactionType": "PAYMENT",
        "processedDateTime": "2023-08-02T07:51:17.749Z",
        "amount": 10.0,
        "earliestSettlementDate": "2023-08-03T00:00:00Z"
        "remittableTransactionId": "10038429.1",
        "transactionId": 10038429,
        "transactionType": "PAYMENT",
        "processedDateTime": "2023-08-04T05:32:21.413Z",         "amount": 115.0,
        "earliestSettlementDate": "2023-08-07T00:00:00Z"
    . . . . . . .
  • To Create a remittance Instruction request, use the value of "remittableTransactionId” from above response for attribute "remittableTransactionIds" as below:

  "remittableTransactionIds": [
  "remittanceDate": "2023-08-04"
  • You will get response with an instruction id and a status of pending as below:

    "instructionId": "4de4fb6a-2e50-40de-907d-5079e3c594b5",
    "remittableTransactionIds": [
    "remittanceDate": "2023-08-04T00:00:00Z",
    "status": "PENDING",
    "createdAt": "2023-08-04T13:07:46.457Z",
    "createdBy": "" 

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