Completed integration payment page
  • 18 Dec 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Dark

Completed integration payment page

  • Dark

Article summary

The completed integration payment page should look like this example:

<html lang="en"> 
 <meta charset="utf-8"> 
 if (window.applePaySession)
 	<div id="pay360-apple-pay-errors"></div>
 	<div id="pay360-apple-pay-button"></div>
 <div id="pay360-google-pay-errors"></div>
 <div id="pay360-google-pay-button"></div>
 <div id="pay360-open-banking-button”></div>
 <div id="pay360-open-banking-errors”></div>
 <div id="pay360-card-pay-errors"></div> 
 <div id="pay360-cardholder-data"></div> 
 <div id="pay360-billingAddress-checkbox"></div> 
 <div id="pay360-billingAddress-container"> 
 	<div id="pay360-billingAddress-title"></div> 
 	<div id="pay360-billingAddress-line1"></div> 
 	<div id="pay360-billingAddress-line2"></div> 
    <div id="pay360-billingAddress-line3"></div> 
 	<div id="pay360-billingAddress-line4"></div> 
 	<div id="pay360-billingAddress-city"></div> 
 	<div id="pay360-billingAddress-county"></div> 
 	<div id="pay360-billingAddress-country"></div> 
 	<div id="pay360-billingAddress-postcode"></div> 
 	<div id="pay360-billingEmail"></div>
 <div id="pay360-submit"></div> 
 	let config; 
 	config.callbackResponse = callbackResponse; 
 	var pay360PaymentObj = new Pay360DC(config);

Browser navigation

Direct Checkout implicitly handles rendering of the:

  • Apple Pay payment sheets

  • Google Pay payment sheets

  • Pay by Bank Account (Open Banking) page by displaying it in an iframe

  • 3D Secure challenge page by displaying it within an iframe.

Any other page navigation that is outside of the control of the Access PaySuite library should be controlled by the integrator. This includes browser button navigation (back and forward) and other hyperlinks or buttons on the payment page if any. If the customer navigates to any other page, then they will be navigated back to the payment page with a new payment session. Any previous payment data will be lost.

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